


Time-Resolved (High-Speed) Flame Imaging

Time-resolved laser imaging in turbulent combustion requires high spatial and temporal resolution with framing rates in the upper kHz-range to visualize the evolution of unsteady flame phenomena such as turbulence chemistry interactions. The necessary laser imaging tools have become available with the development of high repetition rate lasers and sensitive (i.e. intensified) high-speed (i.e. high frame rate) CMOS cameras. In combination with LaVision’s dedicated high-speed imaging software package and our advanced synchronization and timing unit PTU X new insights into unknown combustion phenomena are now possible.

High-speed (10 kHz) OH-LIF imaging

10 kHz laser imaging of fuel-air mixing, flow field and reaction zone visualization in a turbulent flame inside a gas turbine combustor

courtesy: M. Stöhr et al., Proc. Combust. Inst. (2014)
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