

MTZ杂志6月刊上报道了LaVision的ICOS (内部燃烧传感器)系统

2013年7月30日    阅读次数: 357   

June issue of the MTZ magazine presents LaVision’s ICOS (Internal Combustion Optical Sensor) system

Friday, 14. June 2013

LaVision presents Optical Engine Indication applications with the ICOS (Internal Combustion Optical Sensor) system in the June issue of the MTZ magazine.
LaVision is contributing with its essay about a selection of applications of optical engine indication with the ICOS system in the current issue of the well-known MTZ magazine to today’s relevant engine research fields. Topics like high temporally resolved cylinder-internal air/fuel-ratio transients are presented as well as internal EGR-rate, CO2-concentration and temperature measurements.

The minimum invasive concept of the ICOS system extends common pressure indication by a bundle of combustion chamber internal details at unsurpassed temporal resolution. For further information please click here or have a look at our new ICOS brochure.
Please also read the MTZ article online
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